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First Call for PapersHistory of Computing, AI, etc. in the European SouthTensions of Europe Digita  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-10 0:57) 
Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Algorithms, Internet of Things, Social Media, Automation, Robotics and Cybernetics: Historical and STS Perspectives from Mediterranean/Southern/Southeastern Europe Part of the ‘Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival’, 28 June-2 July 2021 (https://shtwebinars.nl/) The workshop aims to advance scholarly research and discussion on the appropriation, localization, adaptation, adjustment, maintenance, repair, use […] The post First Call for Papers – History of Computing, AI, etc. in the European South – Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
First Call for PapersHistory of Computing, AI, etc. in the European SouthTensions of Europe Digita  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-10 0:57) 
Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Algorithms, Internet of Things, Social Media, Automation, Robotics and Cybernetics: Historical and STS Perspectives from Mediterranean/Southern/Southeastern Europe Part of the ‘Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival’, 28 June-2 July 2021 (https://shtwebinars.nl/) The workshop aims to advance scholarly research and discussion on the appropriation, localization, adaptation, adjustment, maintenance, repair, use […] The post First Call for Papers – History of Computing, AI, etc. in the European South – Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Postdoctoral researcher (ERC project EUDAIMONIA) with experience in Actor-Network Theory  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-10 0:55) 
The University of Liège (Belgium, founded in 1817) has a long-standing tradition in cutting edge research in the field of European Union (EU) law. Within the “Cité” Research Unit embedded within the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Criminology, the European Union law research group presently constitutes an interdisciplinary team comprising about 15 researchers working […] The post Postdoctoral researcher (ERC project EUDAIMONIA) with experience in Actor-Network Theory appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Catalyst 5 yr Anniversary EventApril 22nd  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-7 2:21) 
Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience is turning 5! Join the anniversary events – Thursday April 22nd This yearCatalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technosciencewill celebrate its 5th anniversary. In honor of this milestone, members of the editorial board have organized what promises to be a thought-provoking and festive event on Thursday April 22 (3-6pm ET) aroundFoundations and Futures of […] The post Catalyst 5 yr Anniversary Event – April 22nd appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Interfaces: Essays and Reviews in Computing and Culture  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-6 23:20) 
This open-access, interdisciplinary, continuous publication short essay (2,000 to 4,000 words) e-journal publishes on the social study of computing/software/networking. Interfaces seekshistorically-grounded submissions from STS, history, sociology, anthropology, media studies, communication, political economy, geography, information studies, and other allied fields. For more information please either write to Jeffrey Yost (yostx003@umn.edu) or Amanda Wick (abwick@umn.edu), co-editors of […] The post Interfaces: Essays and Reviews in Computing and Culture appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Research Assistantship, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hallym University, Korea  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-5 23:21) 
Research Assistantship (Fall, 2021) at the Graduate School, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hallym University, Korea The [AI Accelerator Design Lab] of the Hallym University seek to recruit promising PhD and MSc or MSc-PhD research students. The selected students will conduct research in the [Hardware Implementation of Deep Learning Algorithms] and [Deep Learning for Medical Applications]. […] The post Research Assistantship, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hallym University, Korea appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Learning through doing co-creation online: RE-Invent Digital Pilot  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-5 9:01) 
Researchers from UCL’s Connected Environments Lab joined together with creative producers at the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood to co-create a series of interactive, web-based virtual reality (VR) studios to creatively engage young people during lockdown. The post Learning through doing co-creation online: RE-Invent Digital Pilot appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
New book by Bart NooteboomProcess Philosophy: A Synthesis  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-5 7:13) 
The book analyses and compares a variety of processes of change: in evolution, learning and innovation, language and meaning, self and society and ethics and morality. Taking a realistic approach, the book is inspired by pragmatic philosophy, in particular, that of Dewey, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein and Heidegger and employs insights from economics, sociology, anthropology and social […] The post New book by Bart Nooteboom — Process Philosophy: A Synthesis appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Senior Lecturer in Theory of ScienceUniversity of Gothenburg  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-3 2:41) 
RefPAR 2021/116 The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 53 500 students and 6 500 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to […] The post Senior Lecturer in Theory of Science — University of Gothenburg appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Associate Professor of AI&SocietyOxford Internet Institute and Faculty of Philosophy  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-4-3 2:38) 
The Oxford Internet Institute and Faculty of Philosophy are seeking to appoint an Associate Professor of AI & Society, in association with a Senior Research Fellowship at Wadham College. The successful candidate will conduct research within the ethics and social impact of AI, broadly construed, and play an integral part in the activities of the […] The post Associate Professor of AI & Society — Oxford Internet Institute and Faculty of Philosophy appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .

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