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Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contextsU. of  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-9-1 9:15) 
We have a new Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts at the U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where the 1st PhD in Communications in US was seeded. Please feel free to share this post. The Deadline is rolling, but reviews will begin on Oct. 8, 2021. https://jobs.illinois.edu/academic-job-board/job-details?jobID=151135&job=college-of-media-assistant-professor-department-of-media-cinema-studies-151135 […] The post Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts — U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contextsU. of  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-9-1 9:15) 
We have a new Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts at the U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where the 1st PhD in Communications in US was seeded. Please feel free to share this post. The Deadline is rolling, but reviews will begin on Oct. 8, 2021. https://jobs.illinois.edu/academic-job-board/job-details?jobID=151135&job=college-of-media-assistant-professor-department-of-media-cinema-studies-151135 […] The post Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts — U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contextsU. of  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-9-1 9:15) 
We have a new Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts at the U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where the 1st PhD in Communications in US was seeded. Please feel free to share this post. The Deadline is rolling, but reviews will begin on Oct. 8, 2021. https://jobs.illinois.edu/academic-job-board/job-details?jobID=151135&job=college-of-media-assistant-professor-department-of-media-cinema-studies-151135 […] The post Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts — U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contextsU. of  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-9-1 9:15) 
We have a new Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts at the U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where the 1st PhD in Communications in US was seeded. Please feel free to share this post. The Deadline is rolling, but reviews will begin on Oct. 8, 2021. https://jobs.illinois.edu/academic-job-board/job-details?jobID=151135&job=college-of-media-assistant-professor-department-of-media-cinema-studies-151135 […] The post Assistant Professor position in Race and Media Studies in US, Transnational or Global contexts — U. of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
New book by Oliver Rollins Conviction: The Making and Unmaking of the Violent Brain  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-9-1 9:12) 
(Stanford University Press) Biological explanations for violence have existed for centuries, as has criticism of this kind of controversial research, haunted by a long history of horrific abuse. Yet, this research program has endured because of, and not despite, its notorious legacy. Drawing on extensive analysis of neurobiological research, interviews with neuroscientists, and participant observation, […] The post New book by Oliver Rollins Conviction: The Making and Unmaking of the Violent Brain appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
Online book launch of The Imposter as Social Theory, featuring Gabriella Coleman  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-8-29 2:26) 
We are pleased to invite you to the online launch of the recently published volume The Imposter as Social Theory edited by Steve Woolgar, Else Vogel, David Moats and Claes-Fredrik Helgesson. Date: 22 September, 16:00-17:30 CET Registration (no later than 19 September!): https://doit.medfarm.uu.se/bin/kurt3/kurt/24681 The figure of the imposter can stir complicated emotions, from intrigue to […] The post Online book launch of The Imposter as Social Theory, featuring Gabriella Coleman appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Econ  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-8-29 2:22) 
The Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance, in the Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for a PhD scholarship in the Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure to start December 15, 2021. IFRO carries out pure basic and applied social science research and has […] The post PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Economics appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Econ  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-8-29 2:22) 
The Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance, in the Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for a PhD scholarship in the Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure to start December 15, 2021. IFRO carries out pure basic and applied social science research and has […] The post PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Economics appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Econ  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-8-29 2:22) 
The Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance, in the Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for a PhD scholarship in the Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure to start December 15, 2021. IFRO carries out pure basic and applied social science research and has […] The post PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Economics appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .
PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Econ  from Society for Social Studies of Science  (2021-8-29 2:22) 
The Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO), Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance, in the Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for a PhD scholarship in the Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure to start December 15, 2021. IFRO carries out pure basic and applied social science research and has […] The post PhD fellowship in Sociology of Sustainable Food and Pleasure at Department of Food and Resource Economics appeared first on Society for Social Studies of Science .

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